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Diet: Vegetarianism
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Are Humans Vegetarian by Nature?

What should I eat? This simple question has no simple answer: many people will try to persuade you that they know the right way to eat, but so much of the information is contradictory that the more theories you listen to, the more confused you will become.
You can not always control the other determinations of your health such as quality of the air you breathe, the noise you are subject to, or the emotional climate of your surroundings, but you can control what you eat. You can save a lot of money in doctor's bills by learning to use some simple techniques of self-care.
I recommend a vegetarian diet. Human beings are vegetarian by nature. This article will prove this truth and fact. By adopting a vegetarian diet, not only will the lifespan on earth be lengthened but also human existence will be much happier, more satisfying and more harmonious.
Living depends upon selection of food, dwelling and company. Lower animals can select these by themselves with the help of instincts and the natural sentinels placed at the sensory entrances: sight, hearing; touch; smell; and taste. With people, however, these organs are so much perverted by unnatural living from early infancy little reliance can be placed on their judgments. Therefore, to understand our natural needs, we must depend upon observation, experimentation, and reason.
In determining the correct foods for particular animals, observation should be directed to the formation of the organs that aid in digestion and nutrition. The teeth, digestive canal, and the unnatural tendency of the sense organs that guide the animals to their food sources.
Carnivorous animals (lions, dogs, wolves, cats, etc.) have many unique characteristics which set them apart from all the other members of the animal kingdom. They all possess a very simple and short digestive system only three times the length of their bodies. This is because flesh decays very rapidly and the products of this decay quickly poison the bloodstream if they remain too long in the body. So a short digestive tract was evolved for rapid expulsion of the putrefactive bacteria from decomposing flesh, as well as stomachs with ten times more hydrochloric acid as those of non-carnivores (which digest fibrous tissue and bones). Meat eating animals that hunt in the cool of the night and sleep during the day when it is too hot do not need to sweat glands to cool their bodies, they therefore do not perspire through their skin, but rather, they swat through their tongues. On the other hand, vegetarian animals, such as the cow, horse, zebra, deer, etc, spend much of their time in the sun gathering their food, and they freely perspire through the skin to cool their bodies. But the most significant difference between the natural meat eaters and other animals is their teeth. By observing the teeth, we find carnivorous (flesh-eating) animals that the incisors are little developed, and the canines are of striking length, smooth and pointed to seize their prey. The molars (flat, back teeth) are also pointed. Unlike grains, flesh does not need to be chewed in the mouth to predigest it; it is digested mostly in the stomach and the intestines. A cat, for example, can hardly chew at all. The tooth points do not meet, but fit closely side by side to separate muscular fibers.

Herbivorous animals (elephants, cows, sheep, ilamas, etc.) live on grass, herbs and other plant food, much of which is coarse and bulky. The digestion of this type of food starts in the mouth with the enzyme ptyalin in the saliva; the incisors are strikingly developed and the canines are stunted through grinding the food. For this reason, grass and leaf eaters have twenty-four special molar teeth and a slight side to side motion to grind their food, as opposed to the exclusively up and down motion of carnivores. They have not claws or sharp teeth and they drink by sucking water up with their mouths as opposed to lapping it up with their tongues which all meat eaters do. Since they do not eat rapidly decaying foods like the meat eaters, and since their food can take a longer time to pass through, they have much longer digestive systems intestines which are ten times the length of the body. In elephants the molars are broad topped and furnished with enamel on the sides only. Interestingly, recent studies have show that a meat diet has an extremely harmful effect on these grass and leaf eaters. A scientist in the New York Maimmondedes Medical Center found that the meat-eating animals have an almost unlimited capacity to handle saturated fats and cholesterol. In a half pound of animal fat is added daily over a long period of time to a rabbits diet, after two months its blood vessels become caked with fat and the serious disease called atherosclerosis develops. Human digestive systems, like the rabbits, are also not designed to digest meat, and they become diseased the more they eat, as we will later see.

Frugivorous (living on fruit) animals include mainly the anthropoid apes, humanitys immediate ancestors. The diet of these apes consists mostly of fruits and nuts. Their skin has millions of pores for sweating, and they also have molars to grind and chew their food, and all the teeth are of nearly the same height. The canines are a little projected canonical and blunt obviously not intended for seizing pre, but for the exertion of strength. The molars are broad-topped and furnished at the top with enamel folds to prevent waste cause by their side-to-side motion, but not pointed for chewing flesh. Their intestines are extremely convoluted and are twelve times the length of their body, for the slow digestion of fruits and vegetables.
Omnivorous (living on animal and plant food) animals, such as bears, have incisors that resemble those herbivorous animals and canines like those of the carnivorous animals. The molars are both pointed and broad-topped to serve a two-fold purpose. Observe the formation of the teeth in humans. We find that they do not resemble the teeth of the carnivorous animals, nor do they resemble the teeth of the herbivorous or omnivorous animals. They do resemble exactly those of the frugivorous animals.
By observing the digestive canal we find the bowels of carnivorous animals are three to five times the length of their body, measuring from mouth to the anus. Their stomach is almost spherical. The bowels of the herbivorous animals are twenty to twenty-eight times the length of their body and their stomach is more extended and of compound build. But the bowels of the frugivorous animals are ten to twelve times the length of their body. Their stomach is somewhat broader that that of the carnivorous animals and has a continuation in the duodenum serving the purpose of a second stomach. This is exactly what we find in human beings. Although anatomy says that human bowels are three to five times the length of the human body a mistake is made by measuring the body from the crown to the soles instead of from the mouth to the anus. Thus we can draw the inference that humans are in all probability frugivorous animals.
By observing the natural tendency of the sense organs (by which all animals are directed to their food) we found that when a carnivorous animal fins prey, it becomes so much delighted that its eyes begin to sparkle. It boldly seizes the prey and greedily laps the jetting blood. On the contrary, the herbivorous animal refuses even its natural food, leaving it untouched if it is sprinkled with a little blood. Its senses of smell and sight lead it to select grasses and other herbs for food, which it eats with delight.
Similarly, with frugivorous animals, we find that their senses always direct them to fruits of the trees and fields. In people of all races we find that their senses of smell,, sound and sight never lead them to slaughter animals. Any sensible person would be appalled but the conditions to which animals are subjected in factory farms. Wal into a veal factory where one can see the calves chained at the neck so tight that they can not turn to lick themselves. Slaughter houses are the assembly line of death where the animals are in complete terror. On the contrary, they can not even bear the site of such killing. The US Department of Agriculture reports that five billion, cattle, sheep, lambs, hogs, chickens, ducks, and turkeys are slaughtered annually in the USA. Slaughter houses are always removed far from towns and often require strict ordinances forbidding the transportation of flesh. Can flesh be considered the natural food for human when both the eyes and the nose are so much against it (unless deceived by the flavors of spices, salt and sugar)? One scientist explains it this way: a cat will salivate with hungry desire at the smell of a piece of raw flesh but not at all at the smell of a fruit. If man could delight in pouncing upon a bird, tear its still living limbs apart with his teeth, and suck the warm blood, one might conclude that nature provided him with meat-eating instinct. On the other hand, how delightful do we find the fragrance of fruits, the very sight of which often makes our mouths water, and even in the absence of hunger we will eat fruit because it tastes so good. The view that many of us have of animals has been corrupted by industry. The health hazards posed by meat in our diet are numerous. Hormones and antibiotics have residues in animal flesh which are particularly poisonous to humans. Heart attacks doctors find a great deal of fatty tissue in the coronary arteries. 75% saturated fat comes from animals. 100% of cholesterol comes from animal produce. 39 times more energy is needed to produce protein from beef than to produce the same amount of protein from soybeans. To feed one meat eater for a year requires 3 acres of land. To feed one vegetarian for a year requires acre of land. It takes sixteen pounds of bread. Live stock uses approximately 50% of all the water in the US. Livestock produce twenty times the excrement as the human populations of the USA. This also increases the nitrate/nitrite water pollution in the rest of the water supplies. Intensive water-sage for livestock is also pushing Americans closer to clean water shortage. It required sixty to one hundred- times more water to produce a pound of beef than a pound of wheat. One estimate is that if everyone were vegetarian, there would be no need for irrigation systems in the USA. This excessive water usage for livestock is because the land needed to grow grain for livestock takes up about 80% of the grain produced in the US as well as the water needed for animals. When one considers the water needed for this extra grain, and for the care of the livestock, a flesh food diet creates a need for 4,5000 gallons per day per meat eater compared to 300 gallons per day needed per vegan. A vegan saves approximately 15,000,000 gallons of water per year when compared with to a flesh-eater. A Cornell University study has proved that an acre of trees is spared for each American that becomes vegetarian. Forests provide more habitats, purify the air, and hold the soil in place all necessary parts of the functioning of the biosphere. University of California agricultural extension conducted a study which showed that it takes twenty-three gallons of water to grow a point of lettuce, and a pound of California apples requires forty-nine gallons of water. But the study also found that it takes 5,240 gallons of water to produce a single pound of beef. Therefore, you save more water by not eating one bound of beef than not showering for a year.

The rainforest destruction also causes great extinction of 1000 species per year. For each fast food quarter pound hamburger, fifty-five square felt of rainforest are destroyed. One hundred species become extinct for every two billion of fast food burgers sold. The effects of livestock on land use in the US accounts for about 85% of the top soil loss of the four (4) million acres of top soil lost per year. A pure vegetarian diet, on the other hand, composes of less than five (5) percent of the demand on the soil in this country . The ratio off food productivity per acre of land from livestock versus vegetarian food reveals a tremendous disparity in terms of productivity from the same amount of natural resources. For instance, one acre of land yields 20,000 pounds of potatoes versus 165 pounds of beef. An acre of grain gives five times more protein than beef. An acre of legumes gives tehn times more protein, and an acre of leafy greens produces 25 times more protein than one acre of beef. The grain needed for 100 cows will feed 2000 people. The land, water, atmosphere or animal population is not safe from the resource-intensive destruction that result from a meat-centered diet. We simply can not escape the fact that raising animals for meat ha s a disastrous effect on our ecological system. US livestock regularly eat enough grain and soy to feed the US population five times over. Over 80% of the grain grown in the US is to feed livestock. This includes 80% of the corn and 95% of the oats. The total world livestock regularly eats about twice the calories as the human population receives. By cycling our plant protein through beef, the conversion into beef protein is approximately one-tenth to one-twentieth of the plant protein yield. This is a 100 percent loss of complex carbohydrates and a 95% loss of calories when plant protein is recycled through livestock. It may also be noticed that various grains and roots possess an agreeable odor and taste, though faint, even when unprepared. Thus we are lead to infer from these observations that humans were always intended to be frugivorous animals. Furthermore, it is obvious that our natural instincts are non-carnivorous. Most people have other people kill their meat for them and would be sickened if they had to do the killings themselves. Instead of eating raw meat as all flesh-eating animals do, humans boil, bake or fry it, and disguise it with all kinds of sauces and spices so that it bears no resemblance to its raw state.
The Ancient Greeks, Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras were vegetarian; as were Leonardo Da Vinci, Sir Isaac Newton, William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, St. Francis Xavier, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein and George Bernard Shaw were all vegetarian.
Various grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts are excellent food for humans. When well chewed and mixed with saliva, these foods are always easily assimilated. When mixed with flesh and blood, these foods accumulate in the excretory system and other organs not properly adapted to this combination. When the accumulations can not find their way out, they subside in tissue in tissue crevices and become fermented, producing a variety of mental and physical disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. By adopting a vegetarian diet, one can usually avoid these diseases. A vegetarian diet is always less toxic than animal food even if it is not organic. Meat contains fourteen times more pesticides than plant foods, and dairy products contain 5 � times more. A vegetarian diet decreases the incidence of cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, rate of aging, and other chronic illnesses. A vegetarian diet uses less water, land, and energy than a meat-based diet. Vegetarianism also increases ones sense of well-being, vitality and endurance. You feel lighter there is less stress in the digestive system and more energy is available to the body. The blood stream stops becoming flooded with saturated fats or toxins form the cells of the deteriorating fish, poultry, or red meat. A clear mind and good health is also associated with a clear blood stream. All these benefits will accrue to one who becomes a vegetarian. A vegetarian diet does not numb the emotions, mind, spirit, or physical sensitivity like a flesh centered diet does. One becomes more sensitive and more in touch with ones feelings and the subtle energies of the life process. It makes it easier to meditate as well. A vegetarian diet also helps to conserve this worlds fuel energy and raw material resources.